Friday, January 23, 2009

 Do Now: How can IDEA Mission help you get ready for collage?
       IDEA Mission helps me get ready for collage because the homework that they give me helps me learn through out school.
       It also helps me by trannig us to be risk-takers an face to reality.
       It helps us be responsible in life.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do Now: What are the 5 unacceptable uses of the computer.
      The 5 unacceptable uses of the computer are:
      1. Don't ever show your identity.
      2. Don't get in inapropriate websites.
      3. Don't show your whole name.
      4. Don't have contact with people you don't know.
      5. Don't download a program that can give the computer a virus.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What are the 5 topics on the quiz for friday